Book Review Invitation

If you enjoyed any of my books, please think about posting a review on Amazon.  It can be short i.e. "This is a good book".  This is the lifeblood of authors.


      I am so excited to let you know that my latest book Free to Be Me will be published on July 7, 2025. 
           Here is a tease. 
     Tawnya Davitakov excels as a KGB assassin with over nine years of success. Sent to America she decides she’s had enough killing and quits. She plans to disappear in America, but, before leaving a former colleague shows up in her New York apartment and tries to return her home. He fails. Then the head of the KGB, her long-time handler, sends a team to hunt her down. Matt Pearson, a former USAF fighter pilot, wants to forget recent heartbreaks as he's trying to enjoy a fishing holiday. He meets a beautiful woman at his bed and breakfast who needs help. She refuses but then becomes entangled in another kidnapping try. Matt is there and whether she wants it or not, he helps. When they retreat to Matt’s ranch in the Silicon Valley a Spetsnaz assault team is deployed to take Tawnya back. They eliminate anyone in their way. Tawnya and Matt become a team to convince the attackers she doesn’t wish to go back.

Bayou Chase

This is the Blurb from my 
 book that was released in 2023-Get it now on  Amazon.  

 Chase Anderson, a war hero wounded in  Afghanistan gets a rebuilt knee and falls in love with his surgeon. They marry, but nine months later, she's raped and murdered the day she planned a special meal to let Chase know he would soon be a dad. The Chicago Police Department compromises the killer's DNA left at the scene resulting in only a one-year sentence for the breaking and entering. That's too much for Chase to accept. He leaves no evidence when Chase drowns the killer in the man's bathtub. The killer's twin brothers, who work for a Chicago crime boss, identify Chase and travel to Louisiana for revenge where Chase is recovering from his loss. Now, not only he but his in-laws are swept into a fight for survival. 

Click on the book to place an order from Amazon.

Moon Over Chicago     

Amateur sleuth and cobbler Fulton Moon (yes, his nickname is Full Moon) encounters beautiful and sinister Lucinda Mathews. Lucy, the wife of prominent florist Arthur Mathews, wants to escape an abusive husband and Moon only wants to help. It isn’t that simple. Helping results in muggings, kidnapping, blackmail, and, oh yes, even murder. Moon’s adoptive father and mentor Benjamin Franklin Washington, proudly African-American, provides guidance, but no matter which way Moon, a devout Caucasian, turns, it’s the wrong way. And Benjie lets him know. Moon’s business partner and former girlfriend, Francesca Diverona also becomes a victim through his fumbled attempts to help Lucy. Moon Over Chicago has humor, suspense, a little romance, and more twists than a knuckleball at Wrigley Field.

Click on the book to order from Amazon.

Shepherd's Pie

  Mike Shepherd has just encountered the most cold-blooded, steel-hearted man he's ever run into. Ferlin Lewis vengefully slays neighbors and even plays cat-n-mouse with Shepherd just to watch his enemy squirm. Mike can not let Ferlin escape again. He must draw upon his every survival instinct to survive and track down this psychopath who deserves to die.

Click on the book to order from Amazon. 


      At Christmas time, Chicago Detective Mike Shepherd spots a child silently crying on an otherwise empty mall bench. Mike and his fiancé try to help and ask the tot, “What’s your mother’s name?” She replies, “Her name is Mommy.” Four-year-old Madison is waiting for her mother to return. Mike Shepherd PI alerts mall security about a lost child and a surveillance tape reveals one hour earlier a man walked up to that same bench and kidnapped Madison’s mother. Mike takes on the task of delivering the ransom, battling deadlines, kidnappers, bureaucrats, and even the FBI. Will Mike rescue the woman in spite of dealing with some disgruntled federal officers bent upon proving they can handle the case without the help of a lowly private investigator?

Click on the book to place an order from Amazon.


Trish Morgan wipes a dark smudge off her ATM’s screen and it’s blood. Then she hears a moan coming from the alley near the bank. And her nightmare begins. Entering the alley, she sees a woman lying in a pool of blood. From that moment, she’s in extreme jeopardy. She turns to the only person she thinks she can depend on, her best friend Heather, who recently completed a P.I. course and can’t wait to use her gun. She tries to convince Trish to carry a piece as well. Trish’s life as she knew it has changed. She unwittingly has what the killers want, and they’ll stop at nothing to get it. What’s worse, her marriage is in trouble. Everything seems to be crashing in on her at the same time. Only a former high school boyfriend – a police officer assigned to protect her – appears reliable. She finds herself fighting the obvious attraction they feel for each other.

Click on the book to place an order from  Amazon.

         Incredible Witness

     Thirteen short stories that will give you a bit of suspense, surprise you with a twist, and even cause a grin or two. 

Here is a synopsis:

Credible Witness - A homeless veteran accused of murder has no hope of proving his innocence.
Stuck in Valhalla – a man from Rhode Island stops for gas and becomes a target to help complete a patriotic cemetery. Twilight Zone meets the Ozarks.
Turnabout Is Fair Play – a husband decides to terminate his wife after she tries to terminate him.
The Drifter – T
odd Mitchel’s wife and young son are killed. The occupants of the van who impacted their car are fleeing from a robbery. Through a bungled investigation they will not be charged with the deaths. Todd won’t let them go unpunished.
Premonition – A traveler’s premonition proves prophetic Final Conviction – Death row convict minutes away from execution waits for word from the governor.
Give Up the Ghost – A couple of ghost hunters travel to Europe to visit a haunted castle. It proves to be deadly and haunted.
The Key to Christmas – Bus driver collects Christmas donations for the Salvation Army. A key is dropped into his bucket. It could lead to a treasure if he could only figure out what the key unlocks.
And more.

Click on the book to place an order from Amazon.