Monthly Newsletter

 J. D. Webb

MARCH 2025

       Don’t know about you but I’m ready for Spring. Going for a walk without a coat or earmuffs. Baseball season begins, no snow, and BLTs without the L. Yep, doesn’t get better than that.
           I’m almost done with the first draft of a new novel, Frequent Flyer-San Diego. This is the first in my Frequent Flyer series. Matt Pearson is a former Air Force stealth bomber pilot.  After losing his parents to Drug Cartel butchers, he finds his soulmate and they plan for their future. The future suddenly disappears when Sharon is murdered. Matt seeks the help of an ex-military friend and stuff hits the fan.
      The book is the pre-sequel of my soon-to-be-released Free To Be Me. Once finished then comes the hard part – editing. My process is a twelve-step read of each word searching for ways to improve and correct spelling, grammar, and what I call plot holes. There’s no link to the famous AA twelve-step program although, the pain and suffering might be similar.
          There are two reasons for this month to include sadness. The fifth of March marks the fourth year my wife has been gone. My rock, first editor, and my reason for living. We enjoyed over fifty-three years of marriage. I wouldn’t have missed a minute of those years. She encouraged and strengthened me. I still consider myself a married man. The other reason for sadness is that my first publisher, Wings ePress has made the decision to close. I’ve been with them for nineteen wonderful years. A company truly with a mindset for the authors. Their editors and staff go way beyond dedication. I’m now going through a search for another publisher and if not successful I’ll be going the route of self-publishing. I can’t let my four ‘babies’ die.
          Once I’m finished with Frequent Flyer-San Diego I’m off to dive into another adventure. Maybe with my old friend and PI, Mike Shepherd, or maybe I’ll finally finish that western that has been galloping around in my head for forty years. Rattler. Or finish my suspense novel set in Pakistan and Afghanistan. A seventeen-year-old son of a village leader who watches his only remaining relative, his father, being shot by the Mujahedeen because the village had nothing of value to give.
       I have eleven novels in various stages of incompletion to choose from. Might take longer to decide which one to tackle than to write the darn thing. We’ll see. Check back for more updates. I let ya know what I decide.
         Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Blessings to you all.   


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